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Gulnoza Radjabova

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I hold a BA in Philology (English Language) and a Master’s Degree in Linguistics (English language) from Uzbekistan State World Languages University.
Currently, I am an English teacher and teach Integrated Course of Teaching English and English Lexicology for the 3rd year students at Uzbekistan State World Languages University. In addition to managing two university courses, I develop a partnership with secondary schools of Tashkent by organizing extra-curricular courses for school learners and master-classes for teachers.
I am also an alumnus of FEP (Faculty Enrichment Program) in University of Arkansas, the USA and Intensive Professional Development course at NILE, the UK.
Currently, I am doing research in the field of implementation of corpus technologies in teaching English. This research field is totally new in our country; therefore, it is considered to be highly topical. I think that this area of research will develop communicative competence of students enhancing academic excellence of learners and developing education system of Uzbekistan.