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Share a Teaching Tip with Educators Worldwide | Call for Podcast Guest Submissions

Educators Worldwide's TTELT Podcast Team seeks educators to feature in our weekly podcast with listeners in over 100 countries.  


Quick Podcast Facts:

Audience: Supervisors and teachers of English Language Learners working with all ages and levels learners. Teaching online, in-person, and in hybrid settings.

Format: 10-20 minute interview focused on a specific and narrow teaching tip.

Guest Time Commitment: 1-2 hours of meeting time for pre-interview discussions and recording.

Upcoming Themes:

  • March – Assessment
  • April – Problem-Based Learning
  • May - Content-Based Instruction or CLIL
  • June - Critical Thinking

Other Audience Interests: Teaching with Technology, Teaching Online, Student Motivation, Content and Language Integrated Learning, Teaching Large Classes, Games for Teaching, Drama and Role Plays, Project/Problem Based Teaching, Language Improvement for Teachers, Teaching with Limited Materials, and Critical Thinking

Submitting Your Tips: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YFX2ZRY takes about 3-5 minutes per tip!

Distribution: YouTube, Anchor (and wherever you get your podcasts), TTELT website

Promotion: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp Global Group, Instagram, and weekly emails

More Information:

The process: TTELT programming members review submissions bi-weekly to find content that is responsive to our audience's interests and trends in education. If selected to present on a specific tip, you will be contacted for a pre-interview meeting and asked to complete our guest intake form. Once the intake form is submitted, a TTELT team member will schedule your interview. As we are a podcast first and video presentation second, you do not need to prepare images or slides for the interview. We can add copyright-free graphics and text in post-production for our YouTube audience. We will share links to resources and pdfs in the descriptions.

We are looking for: A narrowly focused teaching tip explained in a 10-20 minute interview related to current trends or issues of teaching English Language Learners. The tip should be focused instead of presenting many ideas about a broad theme. For example, if your tip is related to teaching with technology, you might share how to teach with cellphones, use a specific application such as Flipgrid, or a strategy such as breakout rooms.

Submission Requirements: 3-5 minute survey for each tip you are interested in sharing. The survey asks for:

  • your name
  • your current timezone
  • email address
  • phone number
  • topic(s) your tip relates to (multiple choice)
  • grade levels your tip is appropriate for (multiple choice)
  • level of language learner your tip is suitable for (multiple choice)
  • learning environment your tip works well with (multiple choice)
  • A 25-50 word brief overview and three (3) main points about your teaching tip

Considerations: The primary audience is local teachers who teach in English Foreign Language settings. We also have many supervisors and teacher trainers who guide the professional development of local teachers. Many of the teachers in our audience learned English in foreign or second language settings. Many teach in large classroom settings with varying degrees of autonomy, curricular freedom, and teaching resources.

We are very interested in highlighting tips from teachers from around the world. 

For questions or to follow-up, email us at info@TTELT.org

We look forward to sharing your tips and promoting you as an English teaching professional!