Welcome to our new website!
Sept. 12, 2020

I hope this takes off!

I hope this takes off!

This week I’ve been working a lot on getting things up and running.  I created the gmail account, the patreon account, the youtube channel, the twitter account, the facebook group.  I recorded Episode 0 and did a practice run on my first video and podcast.  I don’t want to release them until I’ve got a few in the bag, but I’ve set a deadline for October 1 and re-posted my TESOL 2020 presentation into the TTELT channel so prospective teachers or patrons can see what type of tips I’ll be providing.  


I’m really getting excited to see what happens!  Maybe no one will be interested, or maybe I’ll get a ton of people who want to participate for free, but no one who is willing to support them.  But this is an idea I’ve been thinking about for a long time and I really hope it takes off.

Wish me luck!