I think I started wanting to be a teacher-trainer about 2 minutes after I became a teacher. Maybe this is normal for teachers. Maybe we all just want to share what we know with others in our field. At least I used to think that. So many teachers have helped me throughout my career and they’ve always done so so willingly that I just thought it was what we did. How many times have you heard a teacher say, “There’s no reason to re-create the wheel?” If there is someone who has already created a lesson or an activity about the topic you are going to teach, why not use that lesson, or at least use it as a base? Most of the teachers I have known throughout my life think that, and they share their ideas willingly.
However, I’ve also met teachers who don’t share. Who hoard their ideas as if they are sacred nuggets that only their students can receive. I’ve never understood that logic. Even if you are saving those ideas to write a book or something, sharing your ideas only makes more people want to read your book. Hoarding your ideas makes it difficult for people to know why they should take the time to read it, and if you are really snooty about it, makes them not want to read it regardless of how useful the info might be.
So here I am—sharing. I hope you find it helpful!