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Jhon Carvajal

Jhon Carvajal Profile Photo

Jhon holds a B.A Degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language and a Master’s Degree in Education. He was an international intern for an Integrated Education Program in Michigan, USA, a Colombian Youth Ambassador for the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the American Embassy in Colombia and an International camp leader in New York USA.

He has wide experience in educational management and teaching, both in Colombia and abroad. In addition, he holds a TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test) diploma and he was one of the bilingual leaders that took part of the program, Talkative-E, designed to provide conversational and intercultural spaces to English teachers, as part of the National Bilingualism Program developed by the Ministry of Education in Colombia.

Finally, he was a Service and Administrative Manager at a multinational company specialized in teaching English in Colombia. Some of his hobbies are music and traveling. He has also been a volunteer at a non-profit organization for over 10 years and as a fun fact, Jhon is a certified instructor in Hight Ropes, Indoor Climbing and Archery.

Oct. 26, 2022

S2 46.0 Pronunciation

Ever had challenges with teaching students pronunciation? Join us to hear a native Spanish speaker share his tips for how he mastered English pronunciation and teaches his students techniques, which apply to all language backgrounds.

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Oct. 5, 2022

S2 43.0 Online Assessment Tips

Do you find it challenging to conduct effective assessments, especially online? Listen to Jhon Carvajal’s tips for understanding your students’ needs, customizing assessments accordingly, and creating ‘calls to action,’ focusing on demonstrating knowledge. Jhon joins us from Colombia, where he …

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